The situation of foreign minors is very different from that of foreigners over the age of 18, in terms of papers, health or education; all minors have a residence permit and cannot be deported.

The Autonomous Community in which an unaccompanied minor is located is responsible for him or her until he or she reaches the age of 18.

DETERMINATION OF AGE. When a person claims to be a minor and the authorities have doubts about the veracity of his or her age-without supporting documentation, such as an original birth certificate or passport-they can order a bone test to determine age. The test result, even if wrong, will count as your official age from then on.

WELFARE. The Autonomous Community in which the unaccompanied minor is located is obliged to take him until he reaches the age of 18. At the moment when a person declares and proves to be an unaccompanied minor, or his or her minority is determined by means of a bone test, he or she is sent to a child protection centre.

FORMALITIES: Subdirectorate of Family and Minors (Government of Navarra). Calle Abejeras 5 Bis, 7 y 9. 31008 Pamplona. Telephones 848 421 210/ 848 421 260.

EDUCATION. Schooling is a right and an obligation for all girls and boys between the ages of 6 and 16, regardless of their administrative status. Between the ages of 16 and 18, migrant minors have the right to access the public system of scholarships and grants under the same conditions as persons from Navarre, with guidance from social workers and educators. More information

HEALTH. Minors are entitled to free healthcare from the first moment of their arrival in Navarre. They have to process the Individual Health Card. More information



It is possible to continue in centres or flats for former minors, especially if the conduct has been exemplary or if they are undergoing academic or vocational training; In the case of persons who have completed a course of training, the renewal of residence is facilitated by the fact that they have reached the age of majority. It is also possible to rent an apartment with other people. During the “autonomy process” the Government of Navarre provides “emancipation aid” and social worker support. After two consecutive years of registration in Navarre, the Guaranteed Basic Income can begin to be received.


BERRIOZAR. LANTXOTEGI. Intervention in the promotion – personal prevention of youth and of sectors with difficulties of socio-occupational integration, trying to give a socio-educational and integration response. More information.

BURLADA. Red de profesionales de promoción del buen trato a la infancia y adolescencia en Burlada..

MOCKED. MEDICUS MUNDI. Social Action Groups for young people aged 14 to 17. Weekly activities and after-school camps; space for socialization and leisure -reflection, research and action in order to combat the inequalities that exist in our planet. Contact:;

More information

INTERCULTURAL SOCIO-EDUCATIONAL SERVICE (SEI): Association specialized in receiving and accompanying processes of Migratory Mourning; the pain of leaving behind the previous life and adapting to a new environment. It caters for families reuniting their children after years of separation, families migrating together and unaccompanied minors. He accompanies students in their academic, emotional and family difficulties, facilitating spaces where they can make friends and get to know Pamplona. Telephone 673 329 449 and 948 239 739. Contact: More information

IKASKIDE- ITAKA ESCOLAPIOS FOUNDATION. School support and urban camps. Contact: More information.

SARETUZ. Red de Infancia y Adolescencia del Casco Viejo formed by associations and professionals working with minors with the aim of strengthening a communication network that will make it possible to form a common space for collective action to which new initiatives can be added, projects and lines of work. Telephone 948 420 762. Contact:

ASSOCIATIONS OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH IN THE NEIGHBORHOODS OF PAMPLONA. Municipal services located in different neighborhoods of Pamplona. Professionals and volunteers carry out leisure activities for the prevention and promotion of children and youth in leisure time. Community Preventive Action Services.

Buztintxuri. Association Buztintxureando Txuri. Phones 948 803 574/ 637 598 485. Contact:

Casco Viejo. Aldezar Association

Chantrea. Siñarzubi Federation

Echavacoiz. Association ETXABAKOITZ BIZIRIK elkartea

Ermitagaña- Mendebaldea. Hazialdea Association. Contact: Telephone 623 195 155

Mendillorri- Ripagaina. Bideberri Association. Contact: Phones 948 103 358/ 622 096 415

Miraculous- Azpilagaña. Yoar Youth Association

Rochapea. Batean Federation

Saint George: Umetxua Sanduzelai

FEDERACIÓN SCOUTS CATÓLICOS DE NAVARRA- NAFARROAKO ESKAUT KATOLIKOAK (SCN-NEK): seven scout groups formed by girls and boys between 7 and 18 years old and teams of monitors located in neighborhoods of Pamplona and towns. They educate free people, critics and committed to the world in their free time. Saturday and Sunday activities and camps at Christmas, Easter and summer. Free activity according to economic situation. Catholic Scouts of Navarre- Nafarroako Eskaut Katolikoak. Contact:

Ensanche. Mikael. Contact:, Jesuit College. Vª Troop Scout Group Vª Troop. Contact:, Ermitagaña. Scout Group Dendari Izar. Contact:, San Juan. Scout Group Baracea. Contact:, Marcilla. Gundemaro Scout Group. Contact:, Villava. San Andrés Scout Group. Contact:, Noáin. Lykos Scout Group. Contact:


A foreign minor is responsible for the first Autonomous Community in which he or she has been received. If a minor moves to a different Community, presenting himself to the authorities, the authorities may assume the responsibility of the minor or try to return him to the community of origin, although the latter rarely occurs.

From the age of 2 years of stay in a children’s centre, a foreign minor may apply for Spanish nationality if he or she entered the centre under the age of 16. It is advised to seek advice from social workers, lawyers, etc.

It is essential to plan the renewal of residence -by employment contract, ongoing training cycle, etc.- before reaching the age of 18, because once the residence expires it is very difficult to get it again.


The Reform of the Regulation of the Inmigration Law in Spain change since october 2021. (RD 903/2021)

The keys from the reform :

  1. Facilitates access to have papers for “un-acompanied migrants minors”, preventing them from arriving without papers at he age of 18, and makes if possible, to take advantage of this reform to young people of legal age, to protect people between 18 and 23 years old.
  2. Simplifies the procedures that must be carried out in the inmigration offices.
  3. Facilitates their insertion in the labour market, or training, modifies article 198 in the Inmigration’s Law, and establishes a new system to give them documents: work’s and residence’s permission.
  4. The initial residence’s authorization passe from 1 to 2 years of validity and would carry the access the work’s permission from the 16th years old.
  5. Afther, the first renovation , it’s valid for three years, unless a long term residence’s permit, is required.
  6. Reduce the “impossible” economic requirements, from the renovation of the residence’s permit for young people (the reference’s index is not any longer the IPREM, but the Minimum Living Income). In other words the necessary income is reduced to 470 euros per month and can include income’s work and also social’s benefits, which until now, have been excluded.
  7. Absence of a criminal record is required, to admit residence and work’s permits.
  8. In any ot the cases, the positive reports that public and private entities, can present for this purpose , should be consulted referring to their integration effort, the continuity of the training or studies in progress, as well as their effective or potentiel incorporation into the labour market.

Unique Office for Foreigners: Avda. Guipúzcoa, 40. 31011 Pamplona. Telephone 948 979 200 / 948 979 203.


Civil Registry of Pamplona. Avda. Sancho el Fuerte, 8. 31007 Pamplona. Telephone 848 424 062.

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